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Behind Office Doors


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Mary Astor plays a receptionist at a paper mill company. She has her eye on Robert Ames, a young salesman with the company. When the boss is forced to retire, Mary Astor pushes for Robert Ames to take the job, and when he does, Mary is promoted to being his secretary. She is secretly in love with him, only he never seems to notice. As he rises in the company Mary Astor is constantly by his side, giving good business advice as well as advice in his personal life. When Ames marries someone else, Astor is so upset he quits, and the company begins to fall apart.

Rating                 :                6.1 (IMDb)

Category                :                Thriller. Comedy. Romance. Adventure

Release Year         :                1931

Running Time        :                1hr 22 mins

Language               :                English